Today, Cornerstone Executive Director, Kevin Smith, echoed the recent calls for the Republican Presidential candidates to ‘boycott Nevada’ as it seeks to infringe on New Hampshire’s traditional role as the First-in-the-Nation Primary:
“I commend those candidates who have already pledged to skip the Nevada primary in deference to New Hampshire’s traditional role as the First-in-the-Nation Primary,” said Smith. “Likewise, I join the growing chorus of Granite Staters urging those candidates who have thus far remained silent on the issue, or worse, placated Nevada’s unfortunate actions, to follow their colleagues lead by not engaging in the Nevada primary process. New Hampshire tradition and state law dictate that no other similar election shall be held either seven days prior or after its Primary. Nevada’s disrespect towards this long-standing tradition in our Nation’s history should not be tolerated by any of the candidates.”
Cornerstone-Action is the legislative and issue advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.
Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit education and research organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.