The 3322 Project
A Constitutional Curriculum for Youth & Adults, Students & Pastors
"For the Lord is our judge; the Lord is our lawgiver; the Lord is our king; he will save us." ~Isaiah 33.22
These two words, especially when side by side, tend to raise a person’s heart rate thanks to the passionate feelings often involved with both of them.
Based on our experience with New Hampshire faith leaders and their hunger to better understand the unique role of faith in the development of America’s philosophy of government, Cornerstone’s 3322 Project clarifies those faith-based roots without being dogmatic. An invitation to actively engage with civil government naturally flows from the delightful discovery that so much of our governmental framework is informed by the biblical record. Remarkably, Isaiah 33:22–the inspiration for the project’s title–indicates that God Himself is the source of our three existing branches of government: “For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver; the Lord is our king; he will save us” (ESV).
Join one of Cornerstone’s incredibly talented interns, Zane Richer, a Liberty University graduate and law student at Regent University, as he traces the philosophical journey that birthed our founding documents. Speaking from New Hampshire’s Senate chambers and Executive Council chambers, Zane’s command of Biblical foundations and American political philosophy is arresting.
“We’ll explore America’s Christian heritage and invite you to help us ensure her godly legacy.”
You’ll never be the same!
How to Use The Study Guides
Each lesson is a session with its own video and downloadable Study Guide with notable citations from the video, some short answer questions, a couple of longer essay questions, and a list of suggested additional readings and resources. And lastly, we have a Final Study Guide which contains summary questions to tie the whole course together.
We also have provided an Answer Key for the short answer questions. The short answer questions are appropriate for middle and high school students, while the longer essay questions can be tackled by high school and college students alike, depending on the level of research applied to answer the questions.
S1: Government’s Origins and Claims on the Christ-follower
In this video, Zane explores what being a Christian means when it comes to government.
S2: What does Washington have to do with Jerusalem?
In this video, Zane explores the question of how we reconcile the authority of the Church with that of the state.
S3: “The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God”
In this video, Zane explores this key phrase as our founders’ ultimate justification for independence.
S4 Christian Liberty and Christian Self-Government
In this video, Zane explores how our true liberty is found in obedience to God and our ability to govern ourselves.
S5 What Is Government?
In this video, Zane examines the true nature of government and how e pluribus unum and consent of the governed are unique to the covenantal view our founders had for the governed.
S6: The Lie Behind Separation of Church and State
In this video, Zane looks at the difference between the Church and state as independent entities and how they were designed to work together as complementary arms of authority.
S7 ”We hold these rights to be sacred and undeniable...”
In this video, Zane takes a hard look at the concept of rights and how our modern interpretation is a threat to our true liberty.