Cornerstone is dedicated to a New Hampshire where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished. To this end, we address a wide variety of issues, each of which has a unique impact on New Hampshire families.
Cornerstone recognizes the God-given right to life of each human being, from conception to natural death.
Cornerstone promotes public policy that respects the dignity and worth of each pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Cornerstone supports the First Amendment rights of peaceful pro-life witnesses in any forum.
In defense of life, we oppose abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, human cloning, and embryonic stem cell research. We defend the right of taxpayers not to fund such activities in any way, and we defend the conscience rights of health care professionals who choose not to participate in such activities.
Marriage & Family
Cornerstone recognizes marriage as a relationship ordained by God between one man and one woman.
We recognize that parents have a natural right to care for their children and to make decisions regarding their children’s health, welfare, and education.
We support public policy that upholds human dignity in the face of pornography and sex trafficking.
Parental Rights
Cornerstone supports the rights of parents to guide their children’s lives and to be responsible for every aspect of their care, including all health-related decisions.
Cornerstone supports policies that enable parents to choose the education they deem best for their children, whether that choice is public, private, charter, online or home schools.
We defend each student’s right to an appropriate education. We believe that literacy should never take a back seat to “workforce preparation.”
We promote accountability to parents and students by educators, school board members, and education officials at all levels of government. We believe that local decisions are more likely than federal ones to serve students’ best interests.
Cornerstone recognizes the dignity of each human being, created male or female.
We oppose the conferral of special legal rights on the basis of gender identity.
We defend the right of taxpayers not to fund “gender reassignment” procedures.
Religious Freedom
Cornerstone supports First Amendment religious liberties for every citizen of New Hampshire, and defends against individual’s discrimination against people of faith. We are also committed to preserving our nation’s historic dedication to public expression of religious faith.