2019-2020 Legislative Scorecard

About this Scorecard 

Cornerstone’s 2020 Legislative Scorecard provides the detailed legislator voting information we use to assess representatives against our core issues. This year’s scorecard was based on 16 roll call votes in the House from the 2019-2020 legislative session. Each vote is weighted equally, and both a raw score as well as an overall score (adjusted for attendance) are provided.
To help supporters evaluate legislators based on the issues that matter most to them, the scorecard also arranges the votes into four issue-based categories and provides a category grade for each representative.

A Note on Senate Scores 

Due to COVID-19, there were only five recorded votes in the Senate on Cornerstone issues this legislative session. Therefore, a record of those votes is provided, but a score is not offered because the small number of scored votes made it impossible to properly represent the Senators’ stances.

Heroes for the Family 

Legislators who had perfect attendance and scored 100% overall on Cornerstone’s key issues

Rep. Daryl Abbas (R)   Rep. Patrick Abrami (R)

Rep. James Allard (R)  Rep. Arthur Barnes (R)

Rep. Debra DeSimone (R)  Rep. Larry Gagne (R)

Rep. Dennis Green (R)  Rep. Robert Harb (R)

Rep. James Horgan (R)  Rep. Werner Horn (R)

Rep. Deanna Jurius (R)  Rep. Richard Lascelles (R)

Rep. Thomas Laware (R). Rep. William Marsh (R)

Rep. Jody McNally (R)  Rep. Troy Merner (R)

Rep. Jeanine Notter (R)  Rep. John O’Day (R)

Rep. Mark Pearson (R). Rep. Kevin Pratt (R)

Rep. Kimberly Rice (R)  Rep. Walter Stapleton (R)

Rep. John Sytek (R)  Rep. Douglas Thomas (R)

Rep. David Welch (R) Rep. Kenneth Weyler (R)

Rep. Kurt Wuelper (R)

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