Tax Payer Funded Abortion Added to New Hampshire State Budget

Your Representatives, Senators and Governor need to hear from you: NOT ONE DIME of your taxpayer dollars should go towards abortion! 

Proposed New Hampshire State budget breaks new ground with NO RESTRICTIONS on the use of your tax dollars for abortion.

In Concord, House and Senate conferees are trying to reconcile their differences over the state budget. There’s one thing they agree on: you need to pay for your neighbor’s abortion. 

As reported in the June 18 New Hampshire Union Leader,  “House and Senate conferees also agreed to repeal a law prohibiting reproductive health facilities from using state funds to provide abortion services.”

In the past, New Hampshire budget has had its own “Hyde Amendment” language, which to a significant degree protected taxpayers from being forced to pay for abortions. The proposed state budget would abandon that policy, and New Hampshire would join just four other states who voluntarily provide state tax dollars for abortion (Hawaii, Maryland, New York, and Washington).

House and Senate are expected to vote on the state budget proposal on June 27. If passed, that budget will go to Governor Sununu for his signature. 

It’s time to stand together and deliver a powerful message: NOT ONE DIME for abortions. Abortion is not health care!

Whatever else is in the proposed budget, abortion funding is reason enough for House and Senate to reject it. It’s reason enough for Governor Sununu to veto the budget if it should come to his desk in its current form.

Your state representatives and state senator need to hear from you TODAY!!

Governor Sununu needs to hear from you TODAY, assuring him you will support a decision to veto any budget that contains abortion funding as he will have the final decision on what’s included. 

“Dear Representative/Senator, please vote no to any proposed state budget that includes allocating funds to reproductive health facilities to use on abortion services. Abortion is not healthcare, and not necessary to be subsidized by my tax dollars.” 

Another Threat to Taxpayers: State Budget May Increase Family Planning Dollars to Abortion Providers

As you may have heard, President Trump announced a new rule a few months ago intended to prohibit federal taxpayer dollars in family planning programs from going to organizations that promote and provide abortion.

This has got Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, panicking. Its legislative allies in Concord have increased family planning funds in the state budget – even though the Trump Administration’s proposed rule has been blocked in federal court!

Planned Parenthood wants to ensure that “lost” federal dollars will be replaced by your tax dollars from New Hampshire general funds. The truth is that no federal dollars have been “lost,” thanks to an abortion-friendly federal court.

Every “family planning” dollar that goes to an abortion provider helps to keep the abortion side of the business going, by freeing up the provider’s other operational funds and covering overhead at the provider’s facility: staffing, utilities, even equipment.

It’s just another way for your state taxpayer dollars to subsidize abortion!

Family planning dollars should not be going to abortion providers. Tell your state representatives and state senator to say NO to increasing the family planning appropriation to replace a phantom “loss” of federal funds.

Governor Sununu, as an executive councilor, voted to give state contracts to abortion providers. Now that he’s in the corner office, will you give him the encouragement he needs to say ‘no’?

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