Our letter to Congressman Frank Guinta on his vote to defund PP

Dear Congressman Guinta,

On behalf of Cornerstone Action’s 6,000 members throughout New Hampshire, we thank you for your recent vote to support the Pence Amendment to the Continuing Resolution (H.R. 1). Standing up to Planned Parenthood is an act of courage and we commend you for it. The paid attacks on you that followed your vote are outrageous and our members within the First Congressional District will work to counteract the false and misleading claims at the heart of those ads.

The recently released videos from Live Action/Lila Rose show a pattern of illegal behavior by Planned Parenthood employees in several different states. Without these videos, the illegal acts would have gone undetected and unreported. You have good reason to apply the strictest scrutiny to Planned Parenthood nationwide. No private organization has an automatic entitlement to government funds and this is one organization that should simply be off the taxpayers’ backs.

You may not be aware that the most recently released annual report (2009) for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England shows that PPNNE is an $18 million operation. Of that $18 million, only two-thirds go to patient services. While PPNNE’s lobbyist has testified that a cut in government funds will eliminate medical care for thousands of New Hampshire men, women and children, it is important to note that PPNNE manages to budget almost $600,000 for marketing.  Another $715,000 goes to “public policy” – including paying a lobbyist to keep the taxpayers’ cash flowing. Almost a quarter of a million dollars goes to PPFA program support, meaning to support to the national organization – the same one implicated in the recent videos.

We applaud your vote. The residents of New Hampshire’s First Congressional District are proud of you!

With Sincere Gratitude,


Kevin Smith                                                                                    Shannon McGinley

Executive Director                                                                        Chairman of the Board


Click here to see a copy of the letter.

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