For Immediate Release
July 5, 2011
Contact: Kevin Smith
Phone: (603) 571-4710
Criticizes “out of state interests” while ignoring over $100,000 in campaign contributions he received from out-of-state gay marriage advocates
CONCORD, NH – Cornerstone Action Executive Director, Kevin Smith, today offered the following comments, blasting Governor John Lynch for his recent statement on Sunday’s Close Up New Hampshire on WMUR regarding the job-growing Right-to-Work legislation. On the show, Lynch suggested that Right-to-Work was pursued by “out of state interests,” while failing to acknowledge that he himself received over $100,000 in campaign contributions from out-of-state gay marriage advocates in 2010 as a “thank-you” for reversing his position on gay marriage:
“What’s most stunning about the Governor’s comments (on Close-Up) is that the New Hampshire Business and Industry Association, the state chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business and other business groups have strongly supported Right-to-Work here in New Hampshire. Given his clear lack of communication with the statewide Chambers of Commerce, the voice of small business, it’s no wonder he felt that higher taxes and more regulation were good for the state’s economy. Thankfully, we now have leaders in the legislature who actually talk to employers and know what it takes to grow the economy and create jobs,” Smith said.
Smith added, “After selling out New Hampshire’s citizens for $100,000 for his flip-flop on gay marriage to liberal, out-of-state donors, Governor Lynch has shown how much it costs to buy his support. He has no right to suggest that national groups should not get involved in any issue here. The Governor’s hypocrisy on this matter is breathtaking,” said Smith.
Cornerstone-Action is the legislative and issue advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.
Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit education and research organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.