For Immediate Release
July 21, 2010
Contact: Kevin Smith
Phone: (603) 571-4710
CONCORD, NH – Today, Cornerstone Action began a substantial statewide ad buy on New Hampshire radio that highlights many of the liberal positions taken by Republican US Senate candidate, Bill Binnie.
The one-minute ad titled, “Shockingly Liberal”, takes issue with Bill Binnie’s positions on:
that he might have voted for the $700 billion dollar bank bailout (TARP)
(Nashua Telegraph, 1/31/10)
being “excited” about gay marriage
(Concord Monitor, 11/5/09)
describing himself as “intellectually liberal”
(Chicago Tribune, 11/7/03)
opposing Arizona’s immigration law
(Rochester 9/12 Debate, 5/6/10)
supporting key elements of President Obama’s health care package
(Hotline, 3/25/10)
having contributed to Democrats, Marty Meehan and Jeanne Shaheen
(, Union Leader, 7/7/10)
Commenting on the new ad was Cornerstone Action Executive Director, Kevin Smith:
“We felt it was vitally important at this time that the voters know exactly where Mr. Binnie stands on issues that matter most to conservatives and Republicans. Mr. Binnie has spend a lot of money to this point portraying himself as a conservative candidate – and has virtually gotten a free pass in doing so, but once you scratch below the surface you realize that there is actually very little between his positions and those of Paul Hodes. In fact, we couldn’t even fit all that is “shockingly liberal” about him in just a one minute ad.”
CPR-Action is the legislative advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.
Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.