Says Price Controls are Recipe for Health Care Disaster in NH
For Immediate Release
March 1, 2010
Contact: Kevin Smith
Phone: (603) 571-4710
CONCORD, NH – Today, Senate Majority Leader, Senator Maggie Hassan, held a press conference to discuss her proposed piece of legislation, SB505, which would establish a new government bureaucracy made up of three “health czars” whose responsibility it would be to fix health care rates that hospitals and other health care professionals charge. In addition, this new government entity would grant authority to itself to impose taxes on the income of these health care providers in order to sustain its own existence.
Commenting on this proposed health care boondoggle was Cornerstone-Action’s Executive Director, Kevin Smith:
“At a time when the entire nation is rejecting the massive government take-over of health care on the federal level, Senator Hassan is now proposing that the State start fixing the health care costs of its private providers. Not only will this kind of price controlling literally destroy the delivery of health care services in the State of New Hampshire, but this government take-over will know no limits and will certainly go far beyond just the hospitals.”
Smith continued, “This legislature sure does have a penchant for sticking it to the health care providers in our State – first they try to steal money from the doctor’s private (JUA) account, now they want to fix the rates hospitals charge. The state Leadership appears to be as tone deaf as they are in Washington on the health care issue.”
Cornerstone-Action is the legislative advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.
Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.