Cornerstone cites loss of national funds resulting in the departure of local pro-same-sex marriage group’s ED as evidence that the issue is being driven by out-of-state money

For Immediate Release

November 4, 2011
Contact: Ellen Kolb
Phone: (603) 321-2703

CONCORD – Today, Cornerstone Action Legislative Director, Ellen Kolb, released the following statement upon reports earlier this week that the Executive Director for the local pro-same-sex marriage group had to resign citing a loss in national funding for the position:

“It looks like out-of-state interests paid to get NH’s same-sex-marriage law passed. No surprise. The same-sex-marriage lobby in NH now must do what Cornerstone has done all along: work with NH neighbors using NH resources.  Cornerstone’s here for the long run to strengthen and defend marriage, just as we’ve been here for over a decade, growing every year,” said Kolb.

Cornerstone-Action is the legislative and issue advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.

Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit education and research organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.

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