Cornerstone Calls on NH Senate to Support Bradley Amendment

For Immediate Release
March 22, 2010
Contact: Kevin Smith
Phone: (603) 571-4710

CONCORD, NH – Today, Cornerstone-Action called on members of the New Hampshire Senate to support an amendment being offered by Senator Jeb Bradley this Wednesday to SB505. The amendment would protect individuals in New Hampshire from being forced to purchase health care insurance under the new federal mandate as passed last night by Congress. Many states have already deemed the provision unconstitutional and have indicated their willingness to sue the federal government over the mandate under the dictates of the tenth amendment to the US Constitution.

Commenting on the proposed amendment by Senator Bradley was Cornerstone-Actions’, Kevin Smith, “The New Hampshire Senate has an opportunity to do right by the state’s citizens by passing Senator Bradley’s amendment. Aside from the fact that Congress passed such an unpopular health care bill, many legal analysts believe that various provisions contained within the legislation are simply unconstitutional – including forcing individuals to purchase private health insurance. As such, 37 states are currently in the process of considering taking legal action against the government. Passage of Senator Bradley’s amendment would send a signal to New Hampshire voters that at least their state representatives are looking out for them.”


Cornerstone-Action is the legislative advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.

Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.

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