Cornerstone Outlines its Agenda from Now Until Election Day
For Immediate Release
June 10, 2010
Contact: Kevin Smith
Phone: (603) 571-4710
CONCORD, NH – With the 2009-10 edition of the New Hampshire Legislature finally coming to a close yesterday, Cornerstone’s Executive Director, Kevin Smith, released the following statement today outlining Cornerstone-Action’s agenda between now and the September and November elections:
“There’s an old saying, ‘Better to have a horrible ending, then horrors without end.'” And so it was with the 2009-10 edition of the New Hampshire legislature. In a biennium that saw an unrelenting radical social agenda: gay marriage, the ‘bathroom bill’, and doctor-assisted suicide; coupled with uncontrollable spending, higher taxes, and outright fiscal mismanagement, there is no doubt that this legislature will live on in infamy.”
Smith added, “With that, Cornerstone will be engaging in its most aggressive grassroots advocacy campaign ever from now until the September and November elections. We will do our best to educate and leave no doubt in the voter’s minds as to how every incumbent has voted on the most vital issues, and where their challengers stand on those issues as well.”
CPR-Action is the legislative advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.
Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.