Cornerstone Legislative Update 01/18/2025

Protect Life by Supporting 15-Week Abortion Restrictions

๐Ÿ‘‰ Act now: sign in in support of HB 476.๐Ÿ‘ˆ

A group of leading NH Republicans is pushing to extinguish the pro-life cause from the NH GOP, deferring to the far left by making late-term abortion the normal position for NH Republicans. If the NH GOP embraces pro-abortion extremism, the defeat for pro-lifers will be irreversible. 

HB 476, a 15-week limit on abortion, is an important step forward in our fight to protect life. Polling shows 64% of Granite Staters support 15-week abortion restrictions, but despite this, leading Republicans may be pressuring your representatives to surrender the pro-life cause forever. We, our churches, and our communities must all speak now, or any meaningful protections for our vulnerable preborn will be a dim memory. If you have ever thought of speaking out, speak now before it’s too late. 

HB 476 has been scheduled for an important hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, on Monday, January 27, 9:30 am in the Legislative Office Building, rooms 206-208.


๐Ÿ“ž Call or email your state representatives now, and tell them to support HB 476.

โœ… Register your support of HB 476 by signing inHere are step-by-step instructions on how to sign in.

โœ๏ธ Submit written testimony. You can do this when you sign in. Simply hit “choose file” under step number four to upload a document with your testimony, or type your testimony into the provided box.

๐Ÿ“ฃ We strongly urge you to attend the hearing and testify in person, especially if you fall under or know someone who falls under any of the following categories:

  • A physician
  • A post-abortive mother or father
  • A pro-life woman of any age
  • A pastor or other minister of a church

We have step-by-step instructions on how to testify here. You can also reach out to us at if you have any questions about the testifying process. 

๐Ÿšจ Click here to spread the word by sharing this email. We encourage you to share this if you have a friend who falls into the above categories who may be interested in testifying. 

Important Note: Some have had issues in the past with the House remote sign-in page. If you are encountering problems, you can also email the committee to directly register your support for the bill and/or submit written testimony. You can find the committee’s contact info here.

Defend New Hampshire Lives Against Assisted Suicide

๐Ÿ‘‰ Act now: sign in in opposition to HB 254.๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Once again, legislators are introducing an assisted suicide bill in Concord. HB 254relative to options for end of life care, would legalize physician-assisted suicide for those facing an illness which a physician has determined would likely be terminal within 6 months. 

HB 254 has been scheduled for a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, January 29, 1:00pm, in the State House Reps Hall.


โŒ Register your opposition to HB 254 by signing inHere are step-by-step instructions on how to sign in.

โœ๏ธ Submit written testimony. You can do this when you sign in. Simply hit “choose file” under step number four to upload a document with your testimony, or type your testimony into the provided box.

๐Ÿ“ฃ We strongly urge you to attend the hearing and testify in person, especially if you fall under or know someone who falls under any of the following categories:

  • Someone who has struggled with suicidal ideation
  • A member of the disability communityย 
  • A member of the brain injury community
  • Someone who has cared for a terminally ill loved oneย or an elderly individual
  • Someone who has lost a loved one to suicide

We have step-by-step instructions on how to testify here. You can also reach out to us at if you have any questions about the testifying process. 

๐Ÿ“– Read our 2024 op-ed on how assisted suicide will strengthen state control at the expense of personal liberty.

Important Note: Some have had issues in the past with the House remote sign-in page. If you are encountering problems, you can also email the committee to directly register your support for the bill and/or submit written testimony. You can find the committee’s contact info here.

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