Upcoming Bill Allowing Unrestricted Abortion Up to Birth

Tomorrow, the New Hampshire Senate will hear HB 224, also known as the Late-Term Abortion Legalization Act. This bill, which has already passed the New Hampshire House, will allow abortion for any reason up to the moment of birth.

False claims have been circulated about this bill by its proponents and the media. This week, even the Manchester Diocese described it as a bill to “remove criminal penalties” from New Hampshire’s late-term abortion ban. That description is highly misleading, as anyone who reads the bill can see for themselves.

If this bill was passed, an abortionist who performs a late-term abortion of a healthy child would face no penalties whatsoever, not even professional discipline or a small fine. Saying that the bill “removes criminal penalties” obscures the fact that it is also a full legalization of abortion up to birth.

Some of the bill’s proponents have tried to spread the lie that HB 224 moves the issue of abortion from the courts to a medical board. However, the bill says nothing about any “medical board.” Instead, it simply removes all penalties whatsoever from the six-month ban, both criminal and civil penalties, and replaces them with nothing at all. It is a complete legalization of elective, late-term abortion in all circumstances.

There is no such thing as a law regulating citizens’ behavior that has no enforcement mechanism. If this Late-Term Abortion Legalization Act passes the Senate, the remaining text of New Hampshire’s six-month ban will be a nonbinding resolution, not a real law. It will have no effect on anything.

As our current law already has exceptions for both fatal fetal anomalies, the mother’s physical health, and the life of the mother, the only effect of HB 224 would be to legalize elective, late-term abortion when there is no danger to the mother and no fatal fetal anomalies. This is a calculated execution of a viable baby ready to be born.

HB 224 will be heard tomorrow, Thursday, April 6, in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The hearing will take place at 1:00 PM, in room 100 of the State House.


1. Register your opposition for HB 224 by signing in opposing the bill here.

You can find step-by-step instructions on how to sign in here.

2. Submit written testimony. You can do this when you sign in. Simply hit “choose file” under step number four to upload a document with your testimony, or type your testimony into the provided box.

3. We urge you to come and testify in person, especially if you fall under one of the following categories:

  • A physician
  • Someone who has a child or relative disabled since birth
  • Post-abortive mother or father
  • A pro-life woman of any age

We have step-by-step instructions on how to testify here. You can also reach out to us at cornerstone@nhcornerstone.org if you have any questions about the testifying process.

Time is critical. We urge you to take action on HB 224, and stand up for pre-born life in the Granite State.  For more information on the Fetal Life Protection Act, visit NHabortion.com.

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