New Hampshire Needs Our Prayers Now

“Stay awake, praying at all times for the strength to survive all that is going to happen, and to hold your ground before the Son of man.”  –Luke 21:36

To our supporters:

We are in the final hours of negotiations on the state budget (HB 2). As you know, Cornerstone supports passage of the budget which contains landmark late-term abortion restriction language (Sections 37-40) as well as putting Hyde Amendment language in effect at the state level (Section 36). You can read more here.

Two areas of continuing debate are placing limitations on the Governor’s power during declared states of emergency and his proposed voluntary family and medical paid leave program.  In these last hours, rifts in our coalition are forming, and we are being tested as never before.

As debate swirls, and I see the real possibility that none of our hard-fought gains may be realized, my heart tells me that the time for our plans and pleas for direct action is over. We need to come together through corporate prayer and yield to God’s will. He is our strength and shield, and we must trust Him through this difficult time. 

I ask everyone who reads and shares this to take a moment right now to yield to God in prayer and ask Him for strength and to cover our precious state and people with His grace and protection. Pray that the Lord would convict hearts on both sides of this dispute – that neither would allow the lives of the unborn to be endangered. Pray that the least and most vulnerable among us not be made a casualty of mutual political factionalism. Pray for each other, pray for our legislators and our Governor. Pray that we will come together and that God’s will be done. 

For Our Lord, the Creator of All Life,


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