House & Senate to Meet 6/27 for Veto Overrides: School Choice, Partial-Birth Abortion, Fetal Homicide

Cornerstone is calling for phone calls and emails to state representatives and senators in advance of “Veto Day,” Wednesday, June 27, when the New Hampshire House and Senate will meet to consider overriding numerous vetoes from Gov. Lynch. We urge YES on these overrides:

  • School Choice.  HB 1607 and SB 372 establish tax credits for businesses that donate to scholarship funds for students, to defray educational costs regardless of whether the student attends public or nonpublic schools or is homeschooled.
  • Partial-Birth Abortion Ban. HB 1679 says New Hampshire will not put out the welcome mat for practitioners of a particularly gruesome, inhumane, and unnecessary abortion method. Advocates of Roe v. Wade should note that this bill is not “anti-choice,” since it does not address a woman’s right to have an abortion. It does, however, rule out one particular method that amounts to infanticide.
  • Fetal Homicide. HB 217 is a direct response to the New Hampshire Supreme Court’s ruling in the 2009 Lamy case that New Hampshire law had no provision for the prosecution of a drunk driver for causing the death of a child born two months prematurely due to a collision caused by the driver. Make sure your representatives and senators know the Court’s exact words: “Should the legislature find the result in this case as unfortunate as we do, it should follow the lead of many other states and revisit the homicide statutes as they pertain to a fetus.”

Information previously provided on these bills can be found on our web site,,  as well as on the Cornerstone Policy Research Facebook page.

You can find your representatives and their contact information at

Governor Lynch has also vetoed the following bills. His veto statements may be found at:

  • SB 356, limiting the authority of delegates to a federal constitutional convention
  • SB 289, requiring photo ID to vote in New Hampshire
  • SB 409, legalizing medical marijuana
  • SB 406, “early offer” tort reform
  • SB 326, taxation of trusts under the Interest & Dividends Tax
  • SB 318, on voter registration to auto registration
  • HB 1666, requiring a legislative fiscal committee to approve collective bargaining agreements with state employees
  • SB 175, the “Salinger bill,” providing the right to control and transfer to beneficiaries the commercial use of one’s identity for 70 years after death
  • HB 1549, prohibiting the federal government from using information from New Hampshire motor vehicle records in any federal database

Search for the full text of these bills via the House/Senate web portal:


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