Did Your Representative Block or Endorse Traditional Marriage March 21st ?

Following is the record of votes for HB 437 as its various amendments were voted on over a two hour span of time Wednesday, March 21.  The bill was ultimately defeated.  You can see how your Representative voted on the various versions of the bill below.

These representatives had excused absences for the day, according to the official House record.
Belknap County: Jeffrey St. Cyr (r)
Carroll County: Dino Scala (r)
Grafton County: Charles Brosseau (r), Jeffrey Shackett (r)
Hillsborough County: J. Gail Barry (r), Thomas Beattie (r), Norma Champagne (r), Shaun Doherty (r), Bruce Marcus (r), Donald McClarren (r), Brian Rhodes (d)
Merrimack County: Dennis Reed (r), Mary Jane Wallner (d)
Rockingham County: Regina Birdsell (r), Frank Case (r), Beverly Ferrante (r), James Headd (r), Marshall Quandt (r), Matt Quandt (r)
Strafford County: Roland Hofemann (d), Dorothea Hooper (d)

These representatives missed both votes, without formally excused absences. If your representative’s name is here, contact him or her directly for more information.
Belknap County: Robert Luther (r), William Tobin (r)
Hillsborough County: Patrick Garrity (d), Frank Holden (r), Jean Jeudy (d), Thomas Katsiantonis (d), Michael McCarthy (r), Lynne Ober (r), Russell Ober (r), Peter Ramsey (d), Barbara Shaw (d), Kathleen Souza (r), James Summers (r)
Merrimack County: Frank Kotowski (r)
Rockingham County: David Lundgren (r), Betsy McKinney (r), Charles McMahon (r), Michele Peckham (r), Frederick Rice (r), Frank Sapareto (r), Kenneth Sheffert (r), Dan Tamburello (r), Pam Tucker (r)
Strafford County: Baldwin Domingo (d), Michael Weeden (r)

These representatives opposed both the Bates amendment and the original bill, and therefore blocked marriage restoration:
EVERY DEMOCRAT with the exception of those listed above, and with the exceptions noted here: William Butynski  of Cheshire County (supported amendment, opposed original bill), Roger Berube of Hillsborough County (supported both amendment & original bill), & Derek Owen of Merrimack County (opposed amendment, failed to vote on original bill).

Belknap County: Peter Bolster, Alida Millham, David Russell.
Carroll County: Christopher Ahlgren, David Babson, Gene Chandler, J. David Knox, Harry Merrow, Betsey Patten, Stephen Schmidt, Karen Umberger.
Cheshire County: John Byrnes, Richard Dwinell, Susan Emerson, Robert Moore, Edwin Smith, Franklin Sterling.
Coos County: William Remick, Herbert Richardson, John Tholl.
Grafton County: Paul Simard.
Hillsborough County: J. Michael Ball, Kevin Brown, Chris Christensen, Sean Coughlin, Russell Day, Cam DeJong, Larry Emerton, Robert Fredette, Carolyn Gargasz, Phil Greazzo, Robert Haefner, Timothy Hogan, Win Hutchinson, Shawn Jasper, Neal Kurk, George Lambert, Donald LeBrun, Jonathan Maltz, Irene Messier, Keith Murphy, Michael Reed, David Robbins, Robert Rowe, Lisa Scontsas, Tammy Simmons, Matthew Swank, Steve Vaillancourt, Randall Whitehead
Merrimack County: Jenn Coffey, Seth Cohn, David Hess, Thomas Keane, David Kidder, Kenneth Kreis, Priscilla Lockwood, John McDonnell, David Palfrey, G. Brian Seaworth, Steven Winter
Rockingham County: Mary Allen, Gary Azarian, Ronald Belanger, Gene Charron, Timothy Copeland, Kathleen Hoelzel, Karen Hutchinson, Norman Major, Bruce McMahon, Brian Murphy, Chris Nevins, Marie Sapienza, Adam Schroadter, James Sullivan, John Sytek, Kyle Tasker, James Waddell, David Welch.

Note that D.J. Bettencourt was presiding and did not vote on the Bates amendment but later chose to go on record against the original bill.
Strafford County: Julie Brown, Frederick Leonard, William Panek
Sullivan County: Charlene Lovett

These representatives supported both the Bates amendment and the original bill, and therefore endorsed marriage restoration:
Belknap County: Guy Comtois, Dennis Fields, Donald Flanders, Robert Greemore, Tyler Simpson, Franklin Tilton, Colette Worsman
Carroll County: Joseph Fleck, Mark McConkey, Laurie Pettingill, Norman Tregenza
Cheshire County: Anne Cartwright, Charles Moore
Coos County: Laurence Rappaport, Marc Tremblay
Grafton County: Lyle Bulis, Edmond Gionet, Paul Ingbretson, Paul Mirski, Charles Sova
Hillsborough County: Michael Balboni, Richard Barry, James Belanger, William Belvin, Jerry Bergevin, Ralph Boehm, Randall Brownrigg, John Burt, John Cebrowski, William Condra, Gary Daniels, Jack Flanagan, Larry Gagne, Laura Gandia, Carlos Gonzalez, Peter Hansen, Harry Hardwick, Edith Hogan, Joseph Krasucki, Sean McGuinness, Holly Mecheski, Edward Moran, Jeanine Notter, William O’Brien, Bill Ohm, Stephen Palmer, James Parison, Tony Pellegrino, Leo Pepino, Carl Seidel, Pete Silva, Kathleen Stroud, Joe Thomas, Timothy Twombly, Jordan Ulery, Moe Villeneuve
Merrimack County: J. Brandon Giuda, J.R. Hoell, Mark Lindsley, Carol McGuire, Molly Smith, Todd Smith, Tony Soltani
Rockingham County: Al Baldasaro, David Bates, Brian Chirichiello, Timothy Comerford, Joshua Davenport, Patricia Dowling, Joe Duarte, Robert Elliott, Robert Fesh, Marilinda Garcia, James Garrity, Mary Griffin, Robert Introne, Dan Itse, Kevin Janvrin, Lawrence Kappler, Walter Kolodziej, Donna Mauro, Jeffrey Oligny, Lawrence Perkins, Kevin Reichard, Glenn Ritter, John Sedensky, Wyman Shuler, Will Smith, Stella Tremblay, James Webb, Kenneth Weyler.
Strafford County: Democrat Roger Berube, and these Republicans: Donald Andolina, Sam Cataldo, Susan DeLemus, Warren Groen, Kyle Jones, Laura Jones, Kirsten Larsen-Schultz, William O’Connor, Joseph Pitre, Lucien Vita
Sullivan County: Spec Bowers, Thomas Howard, Paul LaCasse, Thomas Laware, Joe Osgood, Beverly Rodeschin.

Other representatives participated in one of these votes but not the other. Call them directly for more information. We note that these votes were taken late in the day and some representatives had to leave Concord for other important business.

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