Cornerstone seeks info on recent DHHS hire

MANCHESTER-  Cornerstone is requesting that the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) release all public documents and records related to the hiring of Dawn Touzin as an attorney at DHHS.

Ms. Touzin recently served as Vice President of Policy and Government at Planned Parenthood of Northern New England and Cornerstone is concerned that she is continuing her activism in her new role at the Department of Health and Human Services. 

“Cornerstone is requesting that all documents related to Ms. Touzin’s hiring be made public so that all members of the community—and not simply those seeking to use government resources to advocate liberal causes—can evaluate whether her advocacy continues and if the public good is being properly served,” said Ashley Pratte, Executive Director of Cornerstone Action.

Cornerstone-Action and Cornerstone Policy Research are non-partisan, non-profit organizations dedicated to preserving New Hampshire’s traditional values, limited government, and free markets through education, information and advocacy. Our vision is to create an environment in which strong families—the foundation of our society—can lead New Hampshire into a new era of prosperity and strength. For more information, please visit

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