Today, by a vote of 3-1, a Judiciary sub-committee voted to recommend passage of HB437, which would repeal same-sex marriage in the state and restore the definition of marriage to one-man and one-woman. The amended bill also provides a civil unions provision for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples, as well as allows any existing same-sex marriages to remain legally intact should HB437 become law.
Commenting on this action by the sub-committee was Cornerstone’s Executive Director, Kevin Smith:
“We think that the amendment passed by the sub-committee today represents a common-sense compromise to what has been a very divisive issue over the last three years. We are hopeful that this amended bill will enjoy bi-partisan support and is a solution that both sides can live with.”
Cornerstone-Action is the legislative and issue advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.
Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit education and research organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.