Says Lynch Proves to be Most Extreme Liberal Governor Ever on Social Issues…..Today, Governor John Lynch once again proved himself to be the most extreme liberal Governor in New Hampshire history on social issues by vetoing the common-sense parental notification bill. In the most recent UNH poll on this issue, nearly 60% of Granite Staters support a parental notification law.
The Governor’s veto of the popular proposal comes on the heels of him being the only Governor ever to have repealed the law in 2007, and one of only two Governors to have signed a gay marriage law into effect only after having told voters he did not support it.
Despite the language in this year’s version of parental notification having been vetted at the Supreme Court already, Lynch found fictitious nuances in the proposal in an effort to satisfy the radical abortion lobby. And despite the fact that in 2007 Lynch said he would support a constitutional version of law (after he repealed it), he has once again blatantly misled the voters of New Hampshire.
Commenting on the Lynch veto was Cornerstone’s Kevin Smith:
“John Lynch has officially solidified himself as being the most extreme liberal Governor in the state’s history when it comes to social issues. If lying to the voters about supporting gay marriage wasn’t bad enough, now he thumbs his nose in the face of thousands of parents by siding with the radical abortion industry. Even when he became the only Governor in the country to repeal parental notification, he indicated he would support a constitutional version of the law. But once again John Lynch has lied. His radical positions on social issues are enough to make even Nancy Pelosi blush.”
Cornerstone-Action is the legislative and issue advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.
Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit education and research organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.