Another “Drag Queen Story Hour” comes to NH Public Library.

Another New Hampshire Public Library is threatening our children’s innocence with an event called “Drag Queen Story Hour”.  Conway Public Library will host this story hour targeted to children and teens on Friday, June 28th.

If this sounds familiar, you may remember Nashua Library stirring up controversy by hosting a similar event this January, where a man with the sexually suggestive stage name “Monique Toosoon”, who performs adult-only shows with sexual themes dressed as a woman, made a presentation to children and teens. 

The event is described as follows, on the Conway Public Library Website:

” Drag Queen Story Hour is just what it sounds like: drag queens reading stories to children. Created by Michelle Tea and RADAR Productions in San Francisco, DQSH now happens in SF, LA, New York, and beyond! Drag Queen Story Hour captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity in childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, and where dress-up is real.” 

This is not an event that’s about costuming or acting. It’s not even about outreach to LGBT+ youth. This is about grooming minors and normalizing sexual behavior that – for now – is culturally still “adults-only.”   

Silence serves only to normalize such events. Your thoughtful response will convey the message that you don’t want to pay for this with your taxes, while at the same time encouraging your neighbors who may fear they’re alone in their concerns.
There is no one better equipped to create it than you, the taxpayer who is providing this venue and paying the employees who are facilitating it.
Email the library director, calmly setting out your concerns. Remember that your email and their response are both covered under the state’s Right to Know law.
Share this news with like-minded friends. Let the library trustees know what you think about your publicly-funded venue playing host to a “Drag Queen Teen Time.” Even if you don’t live in Conway, their example and that of  Nashua’s is evident that your own town library may be the next place such a program pops up. Be prepared.
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