Honoring God | 2018

Will you honor God with your vote this election day?


Christians Should Care about Government and Voting


Government was instituted by God.

Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 show us that government was instituted by God, created with a purpose and responsibility: to punish evil and praise those who do good. Government is God’s social institution of justice, a value so important to God that His Son was killed on the Cross to satisfy its requirements.


Government officials are ministers of God.

Romans 13 calls government officials ministers of God, meaning they are, in effect, servants of the Lord. Just as pastors are ministers of the Church, elected officials are ministers of God in government, and they have a job to do for Him. This should change the way we view our elected officials. This is why the Bible calls us to pray, submit, and honor those in authority. (1 Tim 2, Rom 13, 1 Pet 2)


Government cannot properly do its job without the church.

How do governments of the world determine good and evil? Left on their own, governments often get it wrong. Government needs the Church to provide a standard and to give sound counsel on what the Lord has called good and evil.


Law matters.

The law has never been able to save, and we are free from the penalty of sin. But the moral law comes from the character and nature of God, standing as a teacher and shaper of culture. Godly leaders pass laws that help guide society to see what is right and to protect people by making it more difficult to sin.


You get to choose.

As Americans, we get to choose our ministers of government. As Christians, we also know what God expects of government. He also expects us to be good stewards of this opportunity and select righteous, qualified individuals to serve as ministers in government. Our right to vote is a gift God has given us to use to honor Him. (Matt 25:14-30)

All about Voting in NH

Who can vote?

People who will be 18 years of age or older on the day of the next election, and who are a United States citizen and a resident of New Hampshire.

How to register to vote

Register to vote by visiting your town or city clerk's office and completing a voter registration form. You may also register on the day of the election, in some circumstances.

Find your polling location

You must vote in a particular place during particular times on Tuesday, November 6. Polling locations are assigned based on your address.


This advertisement has been paid for by Cornerstone Action PAC and has not been authorized by any candidate.


This advertisement has been paid for by Cornerstone Action PAC and has not been authorized by any candidate.

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