Register for Teenpact, April 4-8th


Want to learn more about how our state government works?

When the time comes to learn lessons in political science, Christian students all across the nation are turning to a TeenPact state capitol experience instead of just a textbook. TeenPact teaches the foundations of government with the legislative branch, beginning with a week-long session at the student’s own capitol.

Spiritually, TeenPact teaches Biblical principles of government and family, going hand-in-hand with the values of families who participate. It is very important that our young people see that spiritual revival is the answer to America’s problems – not politics. We teach students that every Christian must pray and vote according to Biblical principles.

Overall, studies in government are beneficial in any vocation. Our hands-on civics courses offer an incredible platform for rhetoric, interpersonal communication, and current events. There is a great need for godly, powerful communication within any arena and our goal is to train up a generation of young people to fill that need.

We are in full swing here at TeenPact and promotions are underway for our 2011 New Hampshire class!  Here are the dates:

  • 4-Day Class (13-19 year olds) – April 4 – 7
  • Public Speaking Class (13-19 year olds) – April 8
  • 1-Day Class (8-12 year olds) – April 8

Go to to register and for more information.

Any student who has completed a 4-day class is eligible to attend national events, including TeenPact Survival NE, which we be held in New Hampshire in June!

This year promises to be very exciting, with an entirely new landscape in the legislature.
Come and experience state government up close and personal!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Margaret Drye, Plainfield
(603) 675-9159

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