Cornerstone Blog
At Cornerstone, our heart is to educate and speak out on critical issues impacting the lives of families in the Granite State. Here’s the latest Cornerstone commentary. We hope you’ll take a few minutes and read what we have to say.
Rep. Katy Peternel’s Floor Speech on HB 1607
Note: Rep. Peternel’s floor speech eloquently addresses the need for HB 1607’s exclusionary rule that was unfortunately taken out of the bill by a narrow majority in the House. We expect an amendment to be proposed to HB 1607 in the Senate to reintroduce the exclusionary rule. Rep. Peternel
Legislative Update: Week of April 4, 2024
Take Action Now to Stop State-Sanctioned Suicide Act now: contact the House Judiciary Committee to oppose HB 1283. HB 1283, relative to end of life options, would implement state-sanctioned suicide for those facing an illness which a physician has predicted would be terminal within 6 months. HB 1283 has been scheduled for an executive
Legislative Update: Week of April 1, 2024
State-Sanctioned Suicide Advances to the Senate Last week, the New Hampshire House of Representatives, including many Republicans, ignored the voices of the disabled community, veterans, and concerned New Hampshire citizens of all ages and cast their vote to legalize state-sanctioned suicide. In a major disappointment for such an important issue, many
Legislative Update: Week of March 25, 2024
We Have a Last Chance to Stop State-Sanctioned Suicide in the House Act Now: ask your reps to vote YES on the reconsideration motion, and vote NO on the Ought to Pass (OTP) motion for HB 1283. Shockingly, this past Thursday, the New Hampshire House of Representatives, including many or
Christians: Suffering is a part of our faith journey, not a cause for suicide
As a wife who accompanied my husband on his fatal fight against pulmonary disease, the mother of two disabled adult sons, the legally responsible individual for my mother suffering the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s, and as a Christian, I must address the defense of HB 1283 made in an
Legislative Update: Week of March 18, 2024
House Votes on State-Sanctioned Suicide This Week Act now: contact your representative to vote NO on HB 1283. HB 1283, relative to end of life options, would provide the mechanism for state-sanctioned suicide, initially focusing on those facing an illness which a physician has predicted would be terminal within 6 months. HB 1283 had an executive session
Assisted Suicide Will Empower the State, Not Liberty
HB 1283, relative to end of life options, is currently before the House. The bill would, for the first time, legalize physician-assisted suicide in New Hampshire, albeit under “limited” circumstances. History shows us this bill – if it passes – will only be the first step in making state-sanctioned
Legislative Update: Week of March 11, 2024
State Sanctioned Suicide Advances Through Committee; Help Stop it Now Act now: contact your representative to vote NO on HB 1283. HB 1283, relative to end of life options, would provide the mechanism for state-sanctioned suicide, initially focusing on those facing an illness which a physician has predicted would be terminal within
Legislative Update: Week of February 16, 2024
Take a Stand Against State-Sanctioned Suicide HB 1283, relative to end of life options, would implement state-sanctioned suicide for those facing an illness which a physician has predicted would be terminal within 6 months. After a public hearing on February 7, HB 1283 has been scheduled for an executive session on Wednesday, February
Controversy over this weekend’s girls’ track competition reaffirms our need for HB 396
There’s been a lot of ink spilled in headlines as well as over social media – and rightly so – about the athlete favored to win the Women’s NHIAA Division 2 State Championship for high jump this Sunday. The strong favorite, Maelle Jacques, is not a female. Granite Staters
Legislative Update: Week of February 5, 2024
Stop State Sanctioned Suicide in NH Act now: sign in in opposition to HB 1283. Once again, legislators are introducing an assisted suicide bill. HB 1283, relative to end of life options, would implement state sanctioned suicide for those facing an illness which a physician has predicted would be terminal within 6 months. HB 1283
HB 396: Has biological sex ceased to exist?
Has biological sex ceased to exist? To listen to our own New Hampshire Department of Justice and outside advocacy groups, you would think so. But that is not our state law. HB 396 brings much-needed sanity into the discussion by reinforcing the state’s ability to differentiate based on biological